MikeGames Universal Registration Form ©1995 MikeGames All MikeGames must come on a 1.4mb disk. They are not available on 800k disks. Cash or Check only! To subtract $1.00 off the price you may include a 1.4mb disk with your order. Checks must be made out to Mike Kersey or MikeGames. Shipping and Handling included for U.S. Citizens. Canadian Residents add $1.00 Shipping and Handling. I would like to Order:   Frog-Gore $5.00 Check Here: ____ Amount: _______   Dooom II $5.00 Check Here: ____ Amount: _______   Chasm 1.0 $5.00 Check Here: ____ Amount: _______ Subtract $1.00 if you included a 1.4mb Disk: _______ Subtract $1.00 if you ordered 2 MikeGames: _______ Subtract $2.00 if you ordered 3 MikeGames: _______ Total Amount: _______ Address (Print Neatly!) Name: ____________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: _____ Zip Code: ____________________ Online Service: __________________________________ E-Mail Address: ______________________________ Send this form and money to: MikeGames 3224 French Woods Road Charlotte, NC 28269